Secret 1 : The #1 Reason People Don't Succeed
In my experience, the #1 reason people don't succeed is that they don't complet what they start.
Imagine you're in a race with a start and finish line, now imagine you pump run as hard as you possibly can and put out everything you've got and you are 50 yards from the finish line...
And then you stop.
Tell me what your chances are of winning the race?
It's literally impossible.
You didn't cross the finish line. No matter what you did prior to the finish line, you can't win the race if you don't cross that line. Completing what you start is the key to success, and frankly I think people don't give it enough credit.
When you repeatedly fail to finish what you've started, this behavior becomes a HABIT.
And once it becomes a habit, it's very hard to change. Your default mode of thinking becomes something like, "I don't like doing this anymore, I don't think it's a good chance of succeeding."
Each time you think like that, you become even more conditioned to take the easy way out and to habitually NOT complete tasks...which can only lead to failure.
Learning to complete what you start is absolutely NECESSARY if you want to 'have what it takes' to gain permanent financial freedom.
Secret 2: The Habit that All Millionaires Have...
The most successful millionaires that I know all have absolutely integrity.
Integrity simply means that you have build trust with yourself. You know that you will do what you say you are going to do.
If you make commitments to yourself that you don't keep, you train your mind to not do what you say you're going to do...which means you're training yourself to FAIL, and to fail HABITUALLY.
To be a success, you MUST build a HABIT of integrity... In other words you have to do what you say you're going to do.
Say it and do it, and a habit begins. Your word becomes law in the universe. Say it and don't do it, and you're training yourself to fail...And your word means NOTHING in the universe.
You have a choice.
If you say something, do it, no matter what. Or don't say it.
If you start something, complete it...or don't start it at all.
So, you want to finish what you start and you want to build a trackrecord of integrity. Now, how do you set about creating this pattern of consistently accomplishing your goals?