Secret 3: The Six Sacred Rules for Achieving Your Goals
Secret 3 is actually six little rules...
Rule #1: Know Your Objective.
In the very beginning, before you take any action, take some time and get really clear what your priority goal is. Don't listen to the urgencies in your life...try to listen tou your inner voice and figure out what is most important.
Many people are so busy running around that they have completely lost track of WHERE they are going or WHY they are doing what they're doing. Don't get caught in the rat race...Know your ultimate goal.
Remember: clarity leads to power.
Rule #2: You must have a plan.
Now that you know what your goal is, you need to develop a plan of how to get there...
Often it helps to 'back your way out' by looking at the ultimate goal, and asking yourself "what has to happen just before that? And what before that?"
You don't have to have all the details work out, but you must have a sense of where to focus your energy and in what order to begin taking action.
Sit with a pen and paper, or a computer, and think about it...write it out.
Now, can you get help with all this?
Absolutely. That's what leadership is all about... getting people to support you and work together as a team. You can formulate a much better plan using the knowledge and skills of a whole team of people than you can by yourself. You have to do a plan, concrete and written, and start with something.
Rule #3: Know Your Obstacles Up Front.
What challenges and obstacles may come up on the way to reaching your goal? If you don't know plan for this, then when they come up - and, believe me, they will - they could take you out.
I got a proposal yesterday from someone, and I don't know him very well, but I might work with this person because I like what he wrote.
He had it all laid out..."Here's my plan, here's how I'm planning on doing it and here are the obstacles."
Why do you think he wrote that? Because he took Ultimate Leadership Camp with me and went right through the list of what's important to know as a leader.
He listed what might come up and how he would handle those problems. If YOU haven't thought the obstacles that will likely come up on the way to achieving your goal, then those are the EXACT things that will cause you to fail.
Plan properly and your chance for success increases greatly.
Rule #4: Start Small.
There's another secret that is so simple that it's often overlooked...
That secret is the importance of "starting small" when setting goals and building your plan for success...
Here's what I've learned to say to myself: "Harv, if you can't handle the little things, how will you be able to handle the big things?"
So, if right now you set a goal like, "I am going to lose 40 lbs and get into great shape in 30 days," but right now you're in terrible shape and have horrible exercise habits, your goal probably isn't realistic.
First, you have to set the goal of eating properly at the next meal...because if you can't handle the next meal, what makes you think you can handle eating right during the rest of the week? If you can't lose one pound, how could you even lose 40?
Since we're creatures of habit, the way out of this mess is to create NEW habits, and the only way is to start small...that's the perfect recipe.
By the time you've gotten to the place where your larger life-goals are more attainable, your good habit will so strong and so habituated that there will be no way you won't be successful. You'll have build a track-record of always doing what you say and following through. So starting small is also the fast-track to building integrity with yourself.
Rule #5: Get In The Game and Make A Decision.
You need to know how to get in the game and start taking willing to mess up a bit and correct along the way. You must realize that there's never a straight shot to your goal...the universre doesn't work like that.
You've got to be willing to zigzag your way to success - up and down, back and forth and sideways - and eventually you'll get there. All the truly wealthy people I know are risk-takers. They are people of action.
You'll need to have the stomach for making decisions, and that means not taking mistakes too hard, and not taking them personally. You've gotta be able to say to yourself, "Hey, it didn't work this way. OK. I'll try something else. Oh, my, I blew it! OK, I'll make adjustments and do better next time."
As I like to say, correct and continue...and eventually you'll get there!
Rule #6: Don't Give Up.
You have to make a commitment to yourself to not give up on your dreams. Sometimes the going may get rough and you may need to change course...but persistence will ultimately bring you to your goal.
You have to be willing to do what's hard.
Write these words down. Put them where you'll see them every day. They are words to live by:
If you're willing to do what's hard, life will be easy. But if you are only willing to do what's easy, life will be very, very hard.
The people who give up are the people who can't commit, and they never cross the finish line. They'll give up every time.
Warriors Don't Quit.
Don't give up. Do what's hard, keep adjusting and you'll make it.
If you just follow these six rules, you are almost guaranteed to succeed.