目前分類:self improvement (14)

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 主講人:台大心理系 教授 林以正老師

Cindy Tsao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

這本書才剛開始看。在第十五頁作者的前言就已經讓我看到忍不住非寫不可的精彩內容。作者是Kim Kiyosaki金‧清崎,《富爸爸,窮爸爸》系列作者Robert Kiyosaki羅伯特‧清崎的太太。他們一起創業一起度過人生中的低潮失敗,並一起迎接成功與享受財務自由。她在這本書的前言提到為什麼她要寫一本給女人看的關於投資與金錢的書。市面上已經有那麼多關於投資的書籍,投資與金錢沒有男人女人之分。為什麼她要特別寫一本給女人的書呢?以下節錄讓我覺得很有感覺的部分:


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最近看完了這本書─Peaks and Valleys 峰與谷。作者是Spencer Johnson, M.D.史賓賽‧強森博士。他是一個博士也是暢銷書作者。著有《誰搬走我的乳酪?》以及《禮物》。也跟肯‧布蘭查合著《一分鐘經理人》。

Making Good And Bad Times Work For You- At Work And In Life.

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Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own innier voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Steve Jobs (The Director of Apple Inc.)

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Secret 9: The 3 Steps for Changing Pessimism To Optimism

I'm  often asked how someone who is very pessimistic by nature can learn to change their world view to an optimistic outlook

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Secret 7: If You Want To Be Rich, Learn From Rich People.

In my seminars and books, I teach the inner game of money. As far as I'm concerned, everything starts here.

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Secret 5: How To Increase Your Productivity by 400% (The 80/20 Rule)

A big form of procrastination is that people don't recognize that they busy themselves with insignificant thing. They're unable to start on their dreams because they have to go to the bank, do the laundry, go to the store and generally run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

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Secret 5: How To Increase Your Productivity by 400% (The 80/20 Rule)

A big form of procrastination is that people don't recognize that they busy themselves with insignificant thing. They're unable to start on their dreams because they have to go to the bank, do the laundry, go to the store and generally run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

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Secret 4: How To Conquer Procrastination, Regardless What Your Moos Is.

I believe that procrastination is the biggest weasel of all when it comes to achieving goals...but I'll get to that later.

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Secret 3: The Six Sacred Rules for Achieving Your Goals

Secret 3 is actually six little rules...

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Secret 1 : The #1 Reason People Don't Succeed

In my experience, the #1 reason people don't succeed is that they don't complet what they start.

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11 Secret "Millionaire Mindsets" For Quickly Creating Financial Freedom (1)

This is one of the doc I have from a classmate in Success Resource. I love this doc and believe it will help a lot of people. This is in PDF format and can't be copied and pasted. So I decided to type it down to share to my friends. For encouraging myself and all my friends. It will be broken down for several parts. I will upload all of them asap. Enjoy it!

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