
Secret 9: The 3 Steps for Changing Pessimism To Optimism

I'm  often asked how someone who is very pessimistic by nature can learn to change their world view to an optimistic outlook


Step #1: Awareness


You've got to observe when you're thinking in non-supportive ways.

Practice awareness of your own thought patterns. How do you think about the experiences in your life, both good and bad? How do you describe the things that happen to you and you accomplish?


Learn to recognize when you're being positive and optimistic and when you're being negative and pessimistic. You have to become aware!


Step #2: Understanding


Why are you pessimistic? I guarantee it's coming form the past and it's been a way of being that started out a long time ago. If you examine your childhood, what happened to turned and off of life?

Pessimism is a protection mechanism. You don’t want to be disappointed so you say, “It's probably not going to work,” and that way of fear of failure, one of those two.


Why doesn't it work?


First, people hate being around you when you're a dark, downer, negative pessimist. And PEOPLE are your biggest asset. They can be your support system and network, so you don't want to undercut that!


Second, being pessimistic will make you start to hate being around yourself, too… and you're the one person you can't escape!

Finally, it puts negative energy into all your actions. It is better that you say nothing than say something negative. Don't put the negative out there anymore.


Observe then you are having non supportive thoughts and saying non supportive tings. It's hard, it’'s a challenge, I know, and it's one of the reasons I'm so thankful I take my own courses! I, too, have a Lower Self that tries to throw me off course.


But now when I have a pessimistic thought, my habitual response is to say to myself, “Thank you for sharing,” and then I switch that negative garbage into a positive thought.


Step #3: Practice and Reward


How do you practice? If you've been to a Millionaire Mind Intensive than you got a black rubber band and have already completed this next exercise.  If you haven't yet been to the course, then go get a thick rubber band – or better yet, go to the next course and get one!


Put the rubber band around one of your wrists. When you have a non-supportive thought, you snap your band and it literally snaps you back into the “now”. Ask yourself, “How do I want to be thinking? I need to catch this thought, process it and turn it into a much more optimistic thought.” Use this “snap and shift” technique to bring yourself back into reality, back into the present moment, back into where you want to be.


That's one way.


There's a second approach that I also use, which I call “the Great Harv Game” (use whatever your name is in place of Harv… unless your name is Harv, too!)

The Great Harv Game.


Rule 1: You can only work on one new behavior or goal at a time. You’re not allowed to work on then new things at one – just one at a time. For the next 30 days, you’re only working on this one thing.

Let’s say you want to move from pessimism to optimism. Fine. You tell yourself “I’m going to do that, catch myself when I’m pessimistic and change it in to an optimistic thought. If I work on that – and ONLY that – for the next 30 days, then I’ll have ingrained this new habit into the subconscious part of my brain.”


Rule 2: At the end of the day, you’re going to rate how you did for the day scoring  yourself between zero and ten. You’re obviously not going to get perfect 10s all the time and you have to be honest. If you’re out of integrity at all, you get a zero. “Today I did pretty well. There were a couple of times I slipped up and I’m gonna give myself an 8.” The next day maybe you score a 6 because you were really upset, but the next three days were an 8 or 9.


Rule 3: At the end of the week, total your score and have different rewards based on your weekly score, Let’s say you score over 50 for the week. So, you know what? You deserve something special, like a massage. So when you get over 50 you get a massage the next week. If you get over 60, you get the massage and go for a nice dinner with your spouse of friend.


Choose something that will jazz you, while being realistic. It doesn’t have to be massive and really expensive. You know the dress of sports tickets you’ve been wanting? When you get over 65 points, you go out and but them – the very next day.


If y you play this game with yourself, you will find that you want to win the game because there’s a reward you want. That’s the way you train your mind to do what you want it to do: reward it. Make it more pleasurable to do what you want than for it to do what it wants and you will gradually train your mind to naturally do the things that will lead to where you want to be.

Secret 10: Structuring Your Life So You Don’t Have to Work

Here’s what I’m not on right now: not working.


I’m hot on business and investment vehicles that will allow you to structure your life in such a way that you don’t have to work. You set up the system once and it just pays out passive income day in and day out.

This is the way I’ve recently structured my life, so that if I don’t want to work I don’t have to. How did I do it?


Well, with this kind of proposition, there are two elements to consider. I think of income sources as the geese that lay the golden eggs… and there are two distinct types of geese:

The Big Goose


First, there’s the Big Goose that lays one big fat golden egg. I think of this goose as the ability to create and leverage assets. You have to put a bunch of money together and grow it by investing. It’s your 401k, your IRA or RSP, the money you save over your lifetime to use in retirement. We talk about how t invest your Big Goose on the website.


The Little Geese


Then there are Little Geese…these are your passive income geese. The golden eggs they lay are smaller, but there can be lots of them. Never Work Again1 is all about the passive business income geese and how to structure them so that there are 2,3,5 or7 little geese around you, each reliably and consistently laying little golden eggs. But don’t be fooled… lots of little golden eggs (i.e., streams of passive income) can add up to a mountain of gold!


On one side you’ve got the Big Goose working for you increasing your money at a great rate of return – laying a big golden egg each year. And then there are all these Little Geese laying lots of little golden eggs each day, week and month. And we all know what happens to little geese over time… they grow up and get bigger and bigger!


You need to master both of these areas – Big Goose (the investments) and the Little Geese (passive income sources) – in order to truly secure your financial freedom. The best part is that you can’t start right now, from right where you are. Feed your geese now and consistently over time and they will provide for you for the rest of your life.


Here’s the key concept most people miss:


You get free way before your get rich.


Freedom to me means you and I don’t have to work anymore, so you choose a vehicle that continues on even though you’re not working anymore.


You’re financially free when you have more monthly passive income than monthly expenses. If your passive income is $5,000 per month and your expenses are $4,000 per month, then you’re FREE – you don’t have to work anymore. You’ve won.


I figured this out a while ago when thinking about my own kids. I asked myself, “How do I structure things so that they don’t have to slog away working? I want to make it so that if they want to work it’s by choice… they work form a place of passion, passion, contribution and service to others…”


And that’s a much nicer way to work – for purpose or mission – rather than having your nose to the grindstone just to make ends meet.

The way to do that is to set yourself up with passive income structures so they work for you instead of you working for them the rest of your life.


Do you take a while to set up?


Some do, some don’t. Some vehicles take 5 minutes to set up because you but them with money you’ve saved up. In the Never Work Again seminar, we show people vehicles that can generate enough passive income to create financial freedom.


For example, say you have $100,000 and the return on an investment is 5%. That’s $5,000 a year. Can you live on that? Maybe, but I don’t think you’d want to… You’d be broke and living under a bridge somewhere!

But say you took your $100,000 and bought a couple of good passive income vehicles that paid you every week. They’d give you continued passive income… and then you’re set for life.


If you want the best passive income vehicle, make it one that you can structure so that you never have to work on it again anymore except for maintenance. It doesn’t run you… you run it and do it debt-free.

A Warning: I have to caution people in is doing this without he correct knowledge.


Sometimes I meet people in my courses that already have income streams, but they’re not doing well with any of them. They usually jumped into them too quickly and without having a thorough understanding of the necessary initial investment of time, money and energy that will produce the desired results.



That’s why I created the Never Work Again1 seminar. I don’t want people jumping into a whole bunch of passive income streams (or what they think are think streams) without the right knowledge and skills to make it work. When considering getting involved in a particular investment or business, you need to determine:

  Is it really a passive stream?

  How much time and energy does it take to get set up?

  How do you set it up to require the least amount of your time?

  What level of investment is truly required?

  Strategically, what is methodology or system for to bringing on more streams of income?


The question you really need to ask yourself is do you what to spend your time and energy feeding someone else’s Golden Goose or your own? Only one of these will make you financially free…

Secret 11: How To Get Financially Free in 3.5 Years by Reprogramming Your  Financial blueprint!

Now that I’m financially free for life, I want to make a difference in the lives of others… Which is why I’m sharing all of this information with you, without asking anything in return….


I’ve spent the last 10-plus years of my life creating seminars and courses that translate everything I’ve learned into actionable steps and , systems and courses that make these techniques and principles available to you.


And for over 10 years I’ve seen a pattern emerge….


I’ve seen over 500,000 of my students break the barriers that once kept them form massive success and create lives of personal and financial freedom… And I’ve seen them doing it over and over and over again.

You know what I found?

The number one factor of QUICKLY building personal wealth and everything I’ve see, the clear answer is to surround yourself with the as many kinds of success- supporting influences as you can, including other people who have already rewritten their financial blueprint for success… and have make that success happen!


The students who, like me, are continually exposing themselves to the experience, wisdom, techniques, secrets and thought patterns of other highly successful people are the ones who really ”bring it home” in their own lives and do it WUICKLY.


I now believe that if you structure your life in such a way that you are continually watching the behaviors, listening to the speech patterns and sharing in the experiences of highly successful role models, you can REPROGRAM your own behavior, REWRITE your own financial blueprint and become financial free in 3.5 years…


Or less…


So, how do you do this?


As you saw in Secret 7, it’s not easy to find a high-level, successful mentor who is willing to invest in your personal success. It takes time, energy and certain amount of good fortune to develop just one of these relationships.

But there ARE shout-cuts… Reading book, watching videos, and doing anything you can to get the ‘mental osmosis’ form people who have done exactly what you want to do…


With audio and video recordings, you can virtually ‘sit in the room’ with these incredibly successful and powerful people and soak in their highly-effective thought, beliefs, speech patterns, mental programs and make that a part of rewriting your OWN financial blueprint.


That was the reasoning behind the website… I built that site because I want you to have financial freedom as fast as possible, I’ve gone through my personal rolodex of mentors, influences, partners and highly successful riends who have been major part of my OWN success.


The great thing about a website like this is that you have access to this information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… whenever it’s convenient for YOU, or whenever you need a “kick in the pants” to keep you on track.


Now you don’t have to use the website, but it’s a “Secret-Weapon” short-cut for getting the kind of mentors and influences that will make ALL the difference.


I’ve make the site available to you because I really want to see you change your financial blue-print and achieve financial freedom in 3.4 years… or much less…


How Much Is Your Personal Success and Financial Freedom Worth to You?

One thousand dollars? Ten thousand dollars?


For me, it has been priceless. Now, I don’t go to bed at night worried about money. I don’t find myself worrying about how I will provide a great life for my kids. And I never worry about whether I’ll have somewhere to live when I’m 75 years old…


Because I know that, with this information, they could take away everything I have except the clothes on my back… I could start all over again TODAY… And with this information, I would STILL go from zero to millionaire in less than three and a half years.


I want you to have that security. I want you to feel that freedom.

It’s a freedom and security built upon experience, knowledge and the ability to quickly to take action.


So I encourage you to INVEST in giving yourself access to the resources that will support you in living from your new-and-improved financial blueprint… and in reaping the rewards of your success…


Whether that means from a website, form seminars or from books MAKE IT HAPPEN! If you don’t do it for yourself, who will?


I don’t what anything to get in the way of this… It’s going to happen, like law of physics… Your success WILL happen!


I look forward to seeing you on the site… and watching your success!


For your freedom,



    創作者 Cindy Tsao 的頭像
    Cindy Tsao


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